Dzeina & Sasha (Italy 2018) ------- Sony A9 + Batis 25 mm (Video from photos)

The first shooting of 2025: yesterday, less than two hours in Manhattan,
The first shooting of 2025: yesterday, less than two hours in Manhattan, from Grand Central to 23rd Street. You saw...

Reflections on women and glimpses into men
Reflections on women and glimpses into men (Crafted these images with the collaboration of artificial intelligence...

Yesterday, on the last day of 2024 (New York City)
Yesterday, on the last day of 2024, I decided to explore my beloved city of New York and observe its people. You can...

Finally, I saw some real snow in New York City. It’s very unusual for us, as we’re not lucky to see it yearly
Manhattan Yesterday (From Central Park to Grand Central) Finally, I saw some real snow in New York City. It’s very...

My last Ai creations
My latest AI creations come after two years of exploring the unusual and fantastical world of AI-generated images....